Part 1 - Prep, prep, prep
It's time to sandwich, quilt, and bind. We're in the home stretch!
This is a very generously sized 86"x86" quilt. Now full disclosure...It was far too big to spread out, sandwich, quilt, and bind in my sewing room. Jacob arranged for me to use the board room at his office. Yay!
Now we'll skip ahead to the quilt sandwich that is pinned and ready for, well, quilting. Plus this will give you a look at some of the blocks...
The quilt was rolled to feed it through the machine for quilting. The extra long table came in very handy because my arms were too tired from weeks of nearly non-stop cutting/ironing/sewing to support the quilt's weight during hours of quilting.
See! I told you this is a pretty big quilt! :)
Apparently I didn't take any photos during the quilt binding process. The binding is the black and white music fabric along the edges that covers the raw edges of the quilt sandwich. I make and use French fold bias binding (also known as double fold bias binding). It's more durable and will be longer lasting because the raw edges of the quilt are covered with two layers of fabric instead of just one.
In my next post, I'll finally show you the entire finished quilt! :)
Here's a peek...

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